Copysmith is the leading AI-powered copywriting platform that empowers you and your team to write better copy faster.
Дата оновлення:8 червня 2023 р.
It’s never been simpler to write better copy faster.

Copysmith is an AI copywriting tool to help writers, marketing teams, and creative agencies produce optimized content faster.  With the click of a button, your whole team can integrate with Google Docs to easily collaborate on all your campaigns and projects.  Creators are empowered to speed up brainstorming, accelerate creation, seamlessly collaborate on copy, and launch campaigns in record time.

Scale marketing and drive growth by saving time, improving copy, and launching faster:
   - Tackle writer’s block by expanding great ideas into full copy
   - Instantly rewrite copy and pick the best option
   - Collaborate in real-time with teammates, clients, and partners

Copysmith is the industry-leading AI copywriting platform.  If you’re looking for ways to increase traffic and get more leads, we’re here to help.
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ЦіниБезкоштовна пробна версія
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Політика конфіденційності
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Додатку Copysmith буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Copysmith зможе:
Перегляд документів, у яких установлено цей додаток, і керування ними
Показуйте веб-вміст третіх сторін у підказках і на бічних панелях у додатках Google
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Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
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