Costbucket PAY, the most dynamic worldwide simple POS app for sales teams. It works real time in the cloud on smartphones, tablets and computers, with the ability to process and record cash and card transactions (multiple currencies). Connect to Costbucket PAY with your Stripe account or use your business merchant account in North America, Europe and the Caribbean.
리뷰 없음
Costbucket PAY, the most dynamic worldwide simple point of sale (POS) web app for sales teams. It works real time in the cloud on smartphones, tablets and computers, with the ability to process and record cash and card transactions (multiple currencies). Connect to Costbucket PAY with your Stripe account or use your business merchant account in North America, Europe and the Caribbean. 

Users have the choice of three methods of card entry. 

1) manually key the 16 digits of the card into the payment form;
2) swipe and sign (MSR) or chip and pin (EMV) input with the Costbucket card reader; 
3) scan the payment card with the device camera.  
Features and benefits: 
1) All sales agents are able to process payments simultaneously in store and while in the field. 
2) All transactions are logged centrally for the finance department to view 
3) Easily download sales transactions for upload into your financial systems. 
4) Track customer payment, along with name and email address 
5) Receipts provided by print, email or SMS. 
6) Integrates with Costbucket ERP.

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