Crawl Overview Importer allows you to import in a very easy way the .csv overview files which you can export with Screaming Frog© SEO Spider to store the data and make Dashboards or simly charts.
Fungerer sammen med:
Use 'Crawl Overview Importer' to upload to your sheet the crawl overview data from your web projects.

Using the sidebar you can input a .csv's URL stored in your server, the cloud or Google Drive and import periodically (monthly, weekly, dayly...) that information.

After this you can use all these data to make dashboards for you customers with Data Studio or Google Sheets.

The add-on has headings validation to ensure that the imported data matches with the columns wehere it will be stored. If the structure of csv files changes the importer will show you an error message.

The first time you import a .csv file on a sheets you get the Column Headings.

This is the imported data on this version:
-Total URLs Encountered
-Total URLs Crawled
-Total Internal URLs
-Total External URLs
-Blocked by Robots.txt
-Blocked Resource
-No Response
-Success (2xx)
-Redirection (3xx)
-Redirection (JavaScript)
-Redirection (Meta Refresh)
-Client Error (4xx)
-Server Error (5xx)
-Self Referencing

IMPORTANT : Screaming Frog© SEO Spider sets the field "Date" with the date when the .csv file was exported from the tool. If you want to match date field value with real crawl date you should export the same crawl day or change the date value when the .csv has been imported.
Yderligere oplysninger
PrisIkke tilgængelig
Forhandlerstatus er ikke angivet
Crawl Overview Importer anmoder om de tilladelser, der er angivet nedenfor. Få flere oplysninger
Crawl Overview Importer har brug for adgang til din Google-konto
Dette giver Crawl Overview Importer tilladelse til følgende:
Se, redigere, oprette og slette alle dine Google Sheets-regneark
Vis og kør tredjepartswebindhold i meddelelser og sidebjælker i Google-apps
Opret forbindelse til en ekstern tjeneste
Se den primære mailadresse på din Google-konto
Se dine personlige oplysninger, heriblandt personlige oplysninger, som du har gjort offentligt tilgængelige
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