Create, Archive & Delete number of classrooms in one time within your domain.
호환 기기:
Create, Archive & Delete bulk classrooms in your domain.

This add-on will enable the admin and verified teacher to create a number of active classrooms at one time, and adding the specified co-teachers to their classrooms. You don't need to accept or decline the created classrooms, as it will be active already for you. 

Also, it is possible to archive all the active classrooms at once and delete the archived classrooms.

You can add various details of the domain's courses from a spreadsheet. This includes:

 Course name, 
 Course URL,
 Course Code

After creating the classrooms, their URL links and class code for sharing it with students will be written back to the same spreadsheet.

This is a spreadsheet add-on, that means creating the classrooms can be done by installing the add-on using a spreadsheet. You do need to change the name of the sheet in the spreadsheet  (default name = Sheet1) and preparing the titles of columns as shown in the  screenshots.

Updates (v5):
Inviting co-teachers (unlimited) by writing their accounts in column (4), Inviting number of students to the class by writing their accounts in column (5), separating each account by a comma.
Seperating the Archiving process from the Deleting process.
Handling some errors with the warning messages.
Retaining the default name of the sheet as (Sheet1).

Updates (v4):
Inviting bulk students to the class by writing their accounts in column (10), separating each account by a comma.

Updates (v3):
Inviting bulk teachers up to 6.

Updates (v2):
Adding a warning message when archiving or deleting the classrooms.

For more information, you can send an e-mail to:
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