AutoProctor enables a Timer on Google Forms™ Quiz. Its Automated Proctoring prevent candidates from cheating. No ChatGPT or Googling answers anymore
Adatlap frissítve:2024. május 9.
A következőkkel működik:
33 M+
From the addon, for each Google Form™, you can set a timer. On AutoProctor, students or candidates will see this countdown timer when they open the Google Form™ to start the Quiz. After the countdown ends, they cannot access the form. Apart from a duration, you can also set a time window within which the candidate must attempt the Quiz. For eg, between 10 AM on 10th May and 5 PM on 11th May.

Apart from the Timer, AutoProctor also ensures that a candidate doesn't cheat on the quiz. It is like having an automated invigilator or proctor seeing the candidate take the quiz. AutoProctor monitors the candidate's camera, microphone and screen they are on. For example, if they switch to Google or ChatGPT, AutoProctor takes a screenshot. If it detects multiple people looking at the screen, or noise during the quiz, it takes a screenshot of that or records the noise as an audio file. 

Depending on these violations, AutoProctor calculates a Trust Score for each Quiz. The lower the Trust Score, the more likely it is that the test taker cheated on the test. You can also see the evidence (photos, audio recordings) that AutoProctor collects for each such violation.

Before the test taker begins the test, they are informed of the monitoring. Because they know that their activities are being tracked, they are much less likely to cheat on the test. This prevention and detection of malpractice significantly increases the overall integrity of your Google Form™ Test.

AutoProctor integrates easily with Google Forms™ to prevent cheating.

AutoProctor Explainer Video:

How to use AutoProctor within Google Forms:
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A(z) Timer + Proctor Google Forms™ | AutoProctor az alább látható engedélyeket fogja kérni. További információ
A(z) Timer + Proctor Google Forms™ | AutoProctor alkalmazásnak hozzá kell férnie az Ön Google-fiókjához
Ezzel engedélyezi a(z) Timer + Proctor Google Forms™ | AutoProctor számára a következőt:
Űrlapok megtekintése és kezelése a Google Drive-ban
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