Returns the exchange rate and other data for over 1,000 cryptocurrencies. As simple as =CRYPTOFINANCE("BTC/USD")
정보 업데이트:2023년 4월 2일
호환 기기:
Cryptofinance provides Google Sheets™ users an easy way to fetch cryptocurrency data from over 20 major exchanges and more than 40,000 markets.

As easy as CRYPTOFINANCE("BTC/USD"), you can fetch prices, trading volume, blockchain data, and dozens of other attributes from major exchanges.

Build your own custom trading toolset — including portfolio trackers, data visualizations, powerful trading calculators and more.

Under the hood, Cryptofinance is powered by the Cryptowatch API. For higher usage rates, historical, data, and derivative data, users will need to create a free Cryptowatch account. 
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