This app provides an easy way of editing and playing CSound(*.csd) files. Supports audio spectrum and saving audio to WAV file.
Дата оновлення:15 березня 2022 р.
3 тис.+
This CSound Player and Editor provides an easy way of editing and playing CSound(*.csd) files.
You can play and edit CSD file in your browser directly. This app provides visual audio spectrum and saving audio to WAV file.
You can choose a CSound file from your computer or from Google Drive.
It has a very straight forward user interface that can get you started in seconds.
This app only works locally without going through the server. You can play, listen, and edit a CSound file instantly real-time on your browser.
It's absolutely free for those who want to play/edit your CSound code. 

Csound is a user-programmable software sound synthesizer of great power. Users write instrument definitions in Csound's orchestra language to render notes written in Csound's score language, played on a MIDI controller, or by some other programming language.
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Додаток CSound Player and Editor запитає наведені нижче дозволи. Докладніше
Додатку CSound Player and Editor буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток CSound Player and Editor зможе:
Перегляд, зміна, створення й видалення лише конкретних файлів на Google Диску, які ви відкриваєте в цьому додатку
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