Perform live queries on modeled data from any cloud data platform via Cube Cloud’s universal semantic layer and Cube Cloud for Sheets.
정보 업데이트:2025년 1월 30일
호환 기기:
Cube Cloud is the universal semantic layer for data and app development teams who want to end inconsistent models and metrics and deliver trusted data faster to every use case, including spreadsheets. Cube Cloud for Sheets expands Google Sheets™ data connectivity to any cloud data platform, such as BigQuery, Databricks, Snowflake, Redshift, and more, using modeled data in Cube Cloud.

Sign in to Cube Cloud and select your Cube Cloud deployment in the Cube Cloud for Sheets sidebar. Connect live to governed data using the current user’s data access permissions. Slice, dice, and pivot using the familiar spreadsheet interface. Update your analysis from the source in one click—no exports needed. Eliminate the need for pre-processing, ensure real-time data access, and streamline complex data transformations, allowing analysts to focus on deriving insights.
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