Recognize great work anywhere
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The Culture Cloud Add-on by O.C. Tanner makes it easy to recognize great work right from your everyday workflow. Simply click the recognition icon in your Gmail, choose a recipient, and send.

Whether it’s celebrating personal victories or team wins, Culture Cloud allows you to send recognition at your fingertips. 

You can select an award value and level and add a personal message. The Add-on enables you to send eCards and/or nominations and give points from the app you use every day. After receiving recognition, you get points to redeem great awards in your recognition program. 

Recognition sent using the G Suite Add-on will look the same as recognition sent from the Culture Cloud website, and it will be recorded in Reports.

Users of the G Suite Add-on must have permission to send recognition from the Culture Cloud program. Only recipients who have permission to receive recognition will be visible recipients in the G Suite Add-on.

Recognizing great work is the key to a thriving workplace culture. Create a culture people love.
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