Currency Converter: Integrated, customizable tool for Google Workspace™. Convert currencies easily without leaving your workspace.
Дата оновлення:21 березня 2024 р.
Currency Converter is a convenient tool designed for Google Workspace™ users. It eliminates the need to visit external websites or a search engine each time you need to convert currencies for your emails, documents, spreadsheets, presentations, or calendar events.

By integrating directly into your Google Workspace™ environment, Currency Converter saves you time and streamlines your workflow. With this tool, you can easily convert currencies based on daily exchange rates, all from the comfort of your sidebar.

Additionally, Currency Converter offers customization options to tailor your currency conversions to your specific preferences or regional standards. You can adjust display patterns, choose whether to include currency symbols, and select locale formats according to your needs.

Once installed from the Google Marketplace, using Currency Converter is straightforward. Simply click the icon in the sidebar, input the currency amount and conversion details, and click submit. The converted amount will then be displayed below, ready for you to copy and paste into your desired Google Workspace™ application.

Here are the key features:

1. Integration directly into your Google Workspace™ environment.
2. Convenient currency conversion based on daily exchange rates.
3. Customization options for tailored currency conversions.
4. Straightforward usage: click, input, submit, and copy the converted amount.
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Додатку Currency Converter by 8apps буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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Запуск як доповнення для Gmail
Запуск додатка як доповнення для Календаря
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