Assists Minnesota parent educators to create Integrated Curriculum Planning Grids and Lesson Plans according to the PECCF and ECIPs.
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Genel Bakış
The Curriculum Planning Grid Add-on is designed for Minnesota Parent Educators using Parent Education Core Curriculum Framework (PECCF) to develop curricula and lesson plans in parent education. The Add-on greatly facilitates the use of the PECCF by allowing users to automatically insert Indicators selected from a menu into a Curriculum Planning Grid, so that they do not have to be manually looked up in a pamphlet and typed into a document. The appropriate Domains, Components and Categories are looked up for the selected Indicators and inserted automatically in the appropriate place in the grid. Child development links, derived from the 2017 Early Childhood Indicators of Progress, may also be selected from a menu and inserted automatically into the Grid. Ideas for Teaching Methods and for Parent-Child Interaction Questions or Activities may be reviewed from reference screens and typed into the Grid. Teaching Methods may be inserted from a list. A Lesson Plan based on the PECCF may be generated and appended to the document that contains the selected and typed information from the Grid. Similarly, a Lesson Plan Summary for classroom use may be generated and appended to the document that contains the teaching methods listed in the Grid. The entire process of preparing a Curriculum Planning Grid and Lesson Plan based on the PECCF may take the parent educator only a few minutes because it eliminates manually looking things up in the PECCF and ECIPs pamphlets and manually typing them into a document. Earlier versions of this script have been in use by Minnesota parent educators since early 2016.
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