GPT-powered CV enhancer on Google Docs™
Дата оновлення:23 квітня 2024 р.
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CVTailor is a Google Docs™ add-on that aims at reducing time to tailor CV to specific job descriptions.

There's no one-size-fit-all CV. Every job needs specific requirements. Your CV might not get the attention it deserves sometimes, because it lacks the keywords recruiters are looking for.

- CVTailor bring AI-suggestions to help making your CV more tailored to the job requirements. 
Simply paste the job requirements into CVTailor, and the GPT-powered addon will analyze it to suggest what keywords should be included in your CV. 

- Furthermore, you can get it to read your CV and give recommendations on how to improve the contents and format.

- And if you're not satisfied with what AI tells you, get real human feedback by sharing it to CVTailor team of professionals. Completely FREE of charge.

Don't just send the same CV everywhere. Improve it with CVTailor.

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Додатку CVTailor - AI-powered CV enhancer буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
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