Flexible, easy to use data extraction and reporting tool of financial data in the d6+ Finance Module
Дата оновлення:28 лютого 2024 р.
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The d6+ Finance Tools consists of three main tools:

1.  Audit Tool
This is an ideal tool for use by the external auditors of the school while conducting the annual audit of your school's transactions.  

Key features includes:
General Ledger information
Debtor information

2.  Finance Tool
This is an ideal tool for use by the school management to obtain up-to-date budget vs actual information as well as various other reporting needs

Key features includes:
Summary budget vs actual information
Detailed budget vs actual information
Trial balance information
Cash Book movement reporting 
Forecast reporting
Exports of Monthly General Ledger movements
Automated reporting scheduling 

3.  Debtors Tool
This report is ideal for the management of the school debtors book

Key features includes:
All debtor balances with contact details
Payment monitor on various reporting levels
Complete debtor analysis on various reporting needs 

Permission to use each of the above tools are managed by the superuser on the d6+ Admin module

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