DCP Document Publish allows you to generate professional documentation by allowing you combine documents and apply custom styles.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:24 stycznia 2025
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DCP allows you to generate professional documentation by allowing you to combine documents and apply custom styles. With the Dakota Content Platform, users can easily import DITA into Google Document and export GDoc comments as XML comments. 

It accomplishes this by solving the fundamental limitations of GSuite by adding the ability to:

1. Apply professional external styles using CSS or XSLFO to Google Documents.

2. Add custom properties to Google Documents to drive custom publishing rules.

3. Add structure to documents like warnings, notes, and codeblocks.

4. Combine multiple documents into a single publication.

5. Share Google Documents across multiple publications.

6. Insert external documents or sheets into other Google Documents.

7. Insert variable text into Google Documents. 

8. Insert variable formulas into Google Documents.

9. Insert XML and HTML lookups into Google Documents.
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Wyświetlanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie wszystkich Twoich dokumentów z Dokumentów Google
Przeglądanie, edytowanie, tworzenie i usuwanie wszystkich Twoich plików na Dysku Google
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