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Darwin Core Archive Assitant Add-on is an add-on for Google Sheet it assists the creation of Darwin Core Archives (DwCA) and publising to Zenodo.
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Most biologists and biodiversity data managers organize their data into spreadsheets and for those whom are not familiar with Information Science practices of data standardization, the usage of complex software to assist the creation of standardized datasets can be painful, or even prohibited.

Based on that, the Google Sheet Add-on available here searches to explore the familiarity of the users with spreadsheets and allow them to create and publish standardized biodiversity data using Darwin Core Standard.
The add-on aims to provided a simple and intuitive interface for users not familiar with the concepts of Darwin Core Standard (DwC) and data sharing using Darwin Core Archives. 
The data in a spreadsheet can be easily mapped to DwC terms and the add-on can handle one-to-many relations between data records by the use of `CORE_ID` special term.
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Darwin Core Archive Assistant will need access to your Google account
This will allow Darwin Core Archive Assistant to :
See, edit, create, and delete all of your Google Drive files
See, edit, create, and delete all your Google Sheets spreadsheets
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
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See your primary Google Account email address
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