Quickly create stakeholder records and save email correspondence without leaving your inbox.
Дата оновлення:22 серпня 2022 р.
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Save stakeholders, interactions, complaints and meetings with Darzin for Gmail to create a comprehensive record of all your stakeholder engagement. With Darzin, your team always knows who the important stakeholders are, and who has been meeting and talking to them.

To use this add-on, you must have a Darzin account. If you don't have an existing account, you will need to sign up for a free trial or a paid Darzin account before continuing. If you already have a Darzin account and want to learn more about how to set up and use this add-on, visit https://help.darzin.com/functions/email-plug-ins/gmail-add-on

This add-on allows you to:
- Quickly create stakeholders with content from your email messages
- Quickly create interactions, complaints and meetings with content from your email messages
- Save emails as confidential records in Darzin
- Save attachments in emails to your Darzin stakeholder record

Here are just a few ways this add-in can make work easier for your team:
- Incoming emails can be saved as a complaint so your team can respond to them
- Get stakeholder feedback via email and easily save it to your Darzin project

Start tracking your stakeholders and interactions better today with Darzin for Gmail.
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Додатку Darzin буде потрібен доступ до облікового запису Google
Після цього додаток Darzin зможе:
Запуск як доповнення для Gmail
Перегляд повідомлень і налаштувань електронної пошти
Перегляд, змінення, завантаження й безповоротне видалення ваших контактів
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Переглядати основну електронну адресу облікового запису Google
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