Collaborate, share and track performance with Google Chat and Datadog.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:4 kwietnia 2024
Współpracuje z:
80 tys.+
The Google Chat integration brings Datadog events, graph annotations and monitor notifications directly to Chat spaces. You can keep your team updated on performance issues, share graphs, and send alerts and events to specific Chat spaces. The bot provides a way to automatically keep the entire team updated, simply mention the space name from the Datadog stream to spread the word and keep everyone informed.

Annotate a graph in a dashboard, with a Chat mention, to share a snapshot with your team. You can add some context to help your colleagues understand the problem you are seeing, the annotations and the graph snapshots are posted to the space.

Datadog can send monitor notifications directly to Chat spaces. Add a Chat space to the notification list of any monitor, when the monitor triggers, the Datadog bot posts an event (including a snapshot) to the space.
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