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Mobile solution to automate your operation. Collect data offline in any mobile device (Android or iOS), generate custom PDF, Export to PDF, Excel and 2000+ apps.
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DataScope is the ideal tool to get rid of paperwork, save time and collect data efficiently from the field.

The platform allows your team to answer personalized mobile forms (even offline), from their phones or tablets through the DataScope App.

All the information collected is available to be viewed in real-time, exported, or integrated with other softwares.

How does it work?

1. Create, edit and assign forms

Easily create and edit the forms using our Forms Builder. Add photos, signatures, geolocation, checklists and many other types of questions to your forms to receive key information about your business. You can also assign the forms to the users as task.

2. Data Collection

The work team answers the forms easily from their phones or tablets. The app has different tools that allow your team to report easier and faster than using paper.

3. Data Analysis

All the information collected is available to be:

- Visualized in real-time in our Website
- Exported in PDF or Excel
- Automatically graphed in our Dashboards section
- Integrated with more than 1,500 platforms using Zapier or through our API

Main Functionalities

- Offline forms
- Robust dashboards and automated reports.
- Form builder
- Automatic notifications and alerts (email & SMS)
- API integration
- PDF builder
- Assign tasks and get performance indicators
- QR and barcode scanner
- Role and user permission management
- Integrations with databases

Use cases: 

- Field Inspections & Audits
- Work Orders
- Quality Control
- Checklists
- Surveys
- Incident Reports
- Field Sales
- and any other Form!
Yderligere oplysninger
PrisIkke tilgængelig
Forhandlerstatus er ikke angivet
DataScope anmoder om de tilladelser, der er angivet nedenfor. Få flere oplysninger
DataScope har brug for adgang til din Google-konto
Dette giver DataScope tilladelse til følgende:
Se og administrer dine formularer i Google Drev
Se og administrer formularer, som denne applikation er blevet installeret i
Vis og kør tredjepartswebindhold i meddelelser og sidebjælker i Google-apps
Opret forbindelse til en ekstern tjeneste
Tillad, at denne applikation kan køre, når du ikke er til stede
Se den primære mailadresse på din Google-konto
Se dine personlige oplysninger, heriblandt personlige oplysninger, som du har gjort offentligt tilgængelige
Knytte dig til dine personlige oplysninger på Google
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Google verificerer ikke anmeldelser eller bedømmelser.Få flere oplysninger om anmeldelser
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