Focus on Today's Tasks and integrate Todoist. A unified to-do list directly in your calendar! You can also add checklists to your calendar events.
정보 업데이트:2024년 7월 5일
호환 기기:
Enhance your calendar view by adding an overview of all your tasks due today on the right side. This feature allows you to:

Integration for Tasks
Display a filtered list of your Google Tasks on the right side of your calendar, providing a clear and organized view of your tasks.

Integration for Todoist
Seamlessly integrate Todoist, a popular task management tool, into your calendar for a more comprehensive task management experience.

Task Details
Show task details as you click on them, enabling you to quickly access important information without leaving your calendar.

Checklist Feature
Add a checklist to an Event on your calendar, making it easier to keep track of multiple items associated with a single event. This checklist feature allows you to break down events into smaller, actionable items, helping you manage your time more effectively.
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