If you love working with notebooks in Python, R, SQL (or any other language) as much as I do and want to include your plots and code in slide decks, this is the add-on for you.
Listingan diperbarui:2 Agustus 2022
Berfungsi dengan:
3 rb+
If you love working with notebooks in Python, R, SQL (or any other language) as much as I do and want to include your plots and code in slide decks, this is the add-on for you. All that's needed is a Deepnote account and cell outputs you'd like to include in your slide decks.

Since Google Slides™ usually does not allow for actual embedding, this add-on builds a workaround that inserts screenshots of your shared blocks and refreshes all of them at once (no more copy and paste of tons of plot images!).

How to use it:

1. Sign up for Deepnote if you haven't already.
2. Work on your data analysis in notebooks.
3. Copy the embed link of blocks you'd like to share.
4. Paste the link into the add-on to insert them into slides.
5. Refresh all block outputs in your slides as your code and/or changes with one click!

Check the linked setup URL for a video tutorial!

Informasi tambahan
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