Download Google Analytics™ 4 data to Google Sheets™. Easily configure, edit and schedule your GA4 reports. Simplify your data analysis process with our user-friendly add-on.
Listing updated:January 20, 2025
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This Google Sheets™ add-on offers the easiest way to view and edit Google Analytics 4 data in Google Sheets™. Simplify your data analysis process with our user-friendly add-on.

Key features of this Google Sheets™ add-on:
✔ Easy-to-use Google Analytics 4 report configurator.
✔ Schedule your reports to update automatically.
✔ Receive an email when your report is ready.
✔ Compare subsets of data in one report with comparisons.
✔ Create complex and nested filters in the sidebar.
✔ Edit reports with the sidebar or in the sheet with our easy-to-use syntax.

This add-on provides support for unlimited GA4 properties and reports, up to hourly automated refreshes, and email support. Only Google's quotas and Sheets limits apply. 

► Create GA4 reports
Reports can be created manually in the configuration sheet or using the add-ons sidebar. To use the sidebar, select "Extensions'' > "Reporting for Google Analytics 4" > "Create report" in the menu bar.
This will display a sidebar on the right side with which you can easily create a report configuration. The sidebar helps with the following:
✔ Look up Google Analytics™ 4 account and property information.
✔ Selecting dimensions and metrics. Including custom metrics, dimensions,  events and conversions.
✔ Apply metric and dimension filters.
✔ Determine the sorting of the report.

When you are done, click on the button "Add report to sheet" and your report configuration will appear in the sheet called “Configuration GA4 reports” (if this sheet does not already exist, it will be created).

You can go through these steps again to add another GA4 report. You can also edit the reports in the sheet or copy the information in the sheet to a new column to create a new report.

► Edit Google Analytics™ 4 reports
There are two ways to edit reports after you have created them. Through the add-on menu, you can select 'Manage reports'. A sidebar will open with a list of the reports currently in your sheet. You can click the edit option for the report you wish to edit and the sidebar will display your current report configuration. You can make adjustments in the sidebar and save the report configuration to the sheet.
Another option is to edit the report configuration directly in the sheet.

► Delete Google Analytics™ 4 reports
There are two ways to delete reports after you have created them. Through the add-on menu, you can select 'Manage reports'. A sidebar will open with a list of the reports currently in your sheet. You can click the delete option for the report you wish to delete. After you confirm your intention to delete the report, the report configuration will be removed from your sheet.
Another option is to delete the report configuration directly in the sheet.

► Easy to use filter expressions
You can create filters with the sidebar. But you can also create or edit filters directly in the spreadsheet:

Example 1: sessions__>__30
This will filter you report to only include rows with more than 30 sessions.

Example 2: sessionSource__contains__google
This will filter your report to only include rows with google in the sessionSource.

Visit this url for the full documentation on writing filters:

► Run GA4 reports
Go to "Extensions" > "Reporting for Google Analytics 4" > "Run reports" in the menu to run all the reports you have created.

► Schedule Google Analytics™ 4 reports to run automatically
Reports can be scheduled to run automatically. To do this, go to "Extensions" > "Reporting for Google Analytics 4" > "Schedule Reports".
A dialog will open in which you can indicate three things:

✔ Turning a schedule on and off.
✔ Choose the frequency, day and time.
✔ Set whether you want to receive an email if the execution of a report fails.

► Compare date ranges in Google Analytics™ 4
You can compare two date ranges. The add-on will show the results sorted on the delta of the first metric. The delta is the difference between the periodes.
You can add a minimum for the delta, which acts as a filter on the delta column. For instance, you can choose to only include rows where the difference of the sessions between the two periods is higher than 100. 
Or only include rows where the sales of a product dropped by more than 10.
You can then enter your email address to receive an email (e.g.) each monday that gives you the top products that lost sales compared to the week before.

This add-on requires access to your Google Analytics™ 4 property. Your Google Analytics data is safe with Google and is never seen by Adformatic.  This add-on asks permission to run when you're not there. This only happens on the schedule you set. If you don't set a schedule the add-on only runs when you manually run it.

Note: You can use this Google Sheets™ add-on "Reporting for Google Analytics 4" for free for 14 days. If you wish to continue using the add-on after the free trial period, please subscribe here:

By installing this add-on, you agree to Adformatic's:
- Terms and conditions:
- Privacy Statement:

Google Analytics™ is a trademark of Google LLC
Google Sheets™ is a trademark of Google LLC
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PricingFree of charge trial
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GA4 - Reporting for Google Analytics 4 will ask for the permissions shown below. Learn more
GA4 - Reporting for Google Analytics 4 will need access to your Google account
This will allow GA4 - Reporting for Google Analytics 4 to :
View and manage spreadsheets that this application has been installed in
Display and run third-party web content in prompts and sidebars inside Google applications
Connect to an external service
Allow this application to run when you are not present
See your primary Google Account email address
See your personal info, including any personal info you've made publicly available
See and download your Google Analytics data
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Mike Neff
August 26, 2024
This is a great app for preparing all kinds of business reports, charts and graphs. I use this tool for all sorts of reports in order to analyze data. It's great for spotting trouble areas. Adformatic support team is great as well. I requested changes and they were made immediately. I highly recommend this app.
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Verifications Team
August 24, 2024
Sure, it’s not a free app, but for us, it’s an amazing alternative to Supermetrics at a fraction of the cost. It didn’t do exactly what we needed right out of the box, but their (very responsive!) support team suggested a few tweaks that allowed us to get what we needed from the tool - and more.
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Tomer Helzer
October 28, 2024
My company was considering developing our own API to export data from GA4. Thank god I found this addon, saved us hours of work and hundreds of dollars. The "refresh report" feature is a huge time saver too, highly recommended!
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Laura Ramadani
April 8, 2024
Loved this service! Easy to configure reports and does not bug. Highly recommend!
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Thomas Devilder
September 25, 2024
Great plugin. Work as expected. Very reactive support!
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Gordon Tebbutt
October 5, 2023
Best thing since Google Analytics took away the Google Sheets plugin. Works flawlessly and has saved me a massive headache with GA4. Highly recommended.
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Robert Knasmüller
January 16, 2024
Wenn man in GA-4 gute Reports erstellen will, muss man sowohl leidensfähig als auch geduldig sein. Ich bin das nicht in ausreichender Form, daher bin ich von der Adformatic-Lösung begeistert. Mit dieser Extension kann man auch Search Console Daten auswerten und mit GA-4-Daten verbinden. Da rund 50 Prozent der User das Tracking via Cookie Consent ablehnen, ist GA-4 als alleinige Quelle nicht zielführend. Nur in Verbindung mit den Daten der Search Console kann die realistische Anzahl von Sitzungen, Seitenaufrufen etc. ermittelt werden. Mit der GA-4 Extension von Adformatic geht das hervorragend.
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M Gray
August 29, 2023
THIS IS NOT A FREE APP, DO NOT INSTALL UNLESS YOU ARE WILLING TO PAY. This app uses extremely deceptive tactics to hide that it is only free for 14 days after that you have to pay to use it.
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Daniela Patta
September 28, 2023
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Aditi Singh
January 16, 2024
the only useful app for GA4 with sheets. works perfectly!
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