The Demisto Phishing Add-on enables users to easily report suspicious emails to the security team.
69 tis.+
Phishing emails are a leading security risk to all organizations today. By casting a wide net, phishing emails comprise 90% of all data breaches.  The potential for business disruption and loss is a real threat. 

Demisto Phishing plugin for Gmail streamlines the reporting process by forwarding the original, suspicious email as an attachment to the security team. Since it is not a straightforward process in Gmail to forward and attach original emails, this single click process makes it easier for the user to send any suspicious emails to the security team without disrupting his or her usual daily routine. This also reduces the friction of end user reporting, so security teams get alerted as quickly as possible of any potential phishing attacks.

When the user clicks on the redirect button, an email window with pre-populated Subject line and email address is launched. The user just has to click on the Forward button to send an email with the original email attachment.  Note: If the account is associated with a Google Suite, the Google Suite administrator can configure the default email for all employees.

About Demisto: Demisto is the only Security Orchestration, Automation, and Response (SOAR) platform that combines security orchestration, incident management, and interactive investigation to serve security teams across the incident lifecycle. Our orchestration engine coordinates and automates tasks across 100s of partner products, resulting in an increased return on existing security investments. Demisto enables security teams to reduce Mean Time to Response (MTTR), create consistent incident management processes, and increase analyst productivity.
Další informace
CenyNení k dispozici
Stav obchodníka nespecifikován
PodporaNení k dispozici
Zásady ochrany soukromí
Demisto Phishing Add-on požádá o oprávnění uvedená níže. Další informace
Demisto Phishing Add-on bude potřebovat přístup k vašemu účtu Google
Aplikaci Demisto Phishing Add-on tím umožníte:
Zobrazení e-mailových zpráv, když je doplněk spuštěný
Spuštění v podobě doplňku Gmailu
Zobrazení informací o uživatelích z vaší domény
Odeslání e-mailu vaším jménem
Zobrazte a spravujte data přidružená k aplikaci.
Zjištění vaší primární e-mailové adresy účtu Google
Zobrazení vašich osobních informací včetně jakýchkoli osobních informací, které jste veřejně zpřístupnili
Řadit podle:
Společnost Google recenze ani hodnocení neověřuje. Další informace o recenzích
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