Deskare is the simplest, most intuitive solution for organizing and managing hybrid and flex-office working.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:20 lutego 2024
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Organize hybrid and flex-office working with Deskare in Google Chat!

Telecommuting, shared offices... New ways of working can't be improvised.

With Deskare :

📅 Share your schedule with your team in a click, save time with the typical week.

🪑 Reserve your office or your place in the team zone and finally be reassured, even in flex office

🥳 Recreate team moments and social ties between collaborators, helping your colleagues get together in the office for the moments that matter

✅ Book the meeting room you need, synchronized with Outlook, and send automatic anti "no show" reminders

📊 Analyze your site traffic and space occupancy with our dedicated administrator dashboards

Deskare is used in over 400 offices across 24 countries worldwide, and has won numerous awards: STATION F Future 40, Trophée de l'Immobilier 2023, Trophée de l'Innovation RH 2023...

To find out more, visit or contact us at
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