A detention planner designed by a teacher to save precious teacher time.
Дата оновлення:11 липня 2022 р.
Detention Planner is a FREE Google Sheets Add-On which is designed to help organise, communicate and monitor detentions within a whole school, department or year group. In great part, this automates the majority of what is a really time consuming, difficult job for teachers.

Detention Planner is FREE and helps you invest your time back into supporting students by establishing an organised system which does the work for you. 

What does it do?
It automatically creates communication emails with specific detention details to save teacher time and clearly let students know where they need to be.
It records all detentions and presents a variety of statistics at an overall and individual student level. This allows you to tackle the most common issues for particular students or groups.
It reorganises detentions for students if they miss their allotted time. 

It was designed by a teacher to deal with the chronic issue of organising and reinforcing a detention schedule. Therefore, it is easy and simple to use and saves a bundle of time! Try it today!
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Перегляд, створення, редагування й видалення всіх ваших Google Таблиць
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