Text, PDF, DOC, ODT comparison, Compare strings using Diff tools. This tools was designed to help compare two texts, files quickly.
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Diff Tools was designed to help compare two texts, files quickly.
Just paste the two texts and hit the compare button. The two texts are shown side by side or inline, with differences highlighted.
Provides connect with Google Drive. You can open the two files to compare from Google Drive.

This tool supports Text, PDF, DOC, DOCX, PPT, ODT, ODP, Pages.. comparison. You can compare PDF, DOC.. files by converting them to plain text.
You can find the difference between the two documents in a short time.

Supported Formats: pdf,doc,dot,docx,docm,dotx,dotm,xls,xlw,xla,xlt,xlsx,xlsm,xltx,xltm,xlsb,htm,html,ppt,ppa,ppsx,ppsm,pps,pot,pptx,pptm,potx,potm
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Diff Tools (Text, PDF, DOC, ODT.. Compare) akan memerlukan akses ke Akun Google Anda
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Hanya melihat, mengedit, membuat, dan menghapus file Google Drive tertentu yang digunakan dengan aplikasi ini
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Pengguna Diff Tools (Text, PDF, DOC, ODT.. Compare)
5 April 2016
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