eSignPanda replaces paper documents to make workflows easy, quick, and efficient.
호환 기기:
eSignPanda Add-on enables the user to open and send the documents from his Google Drive to
his eSignPanda account. It will be installed as a Google Drive Add-on application on the user’s
system. This google app allows the registered users of eSignPanda to access and use the
documents they save in their GDrive by opening with eSignPanda digital signature tool that is
already installed in their system.
eSignPanda is an electronic signature platform is designed and developed for business
agreements to provide on-demand digital signature services. Registered users can sign, send
and manage e-signed documents besides creating and managing eSign campaigns, all from a
single dashboard.
eSignPanda identifies each user with his email address, and if that’s a Gmail address then
eSignPanda Add-on will be a great support for opening your documents from GDrive to
eSignPanda account for further processing like adding your digital signatures to the document
or sending the documents to others individually or in the form of bulk requests to multiple
people to digitally sign your required documents and send back to them.
사업자 상태가 지정되지 않음
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Digital Signatures for eSignPanda에서 Google 계정에 액세스해야 함
이렇게 하면 Digital Signatures for eSignPanda에서 다음 작업을 할 수 있습니다.
자체적으로 Google Drive에 연결
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