This add-on enables you to send your invoices and get paid everywhere in Europe (SEPA zone).
Eintrag aktualisiert:7. Februar 2024
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Digiteal's Google Sheets™plugin enables small EU companies to send their bills to their customers. It is provided with a template billing spreadsheet that enables those companies to manage their customers and their bills (

Here is what happens to a bill when you send it through the plugin:
1) A payment QR code is added on the bill to enable the customers to pay their bill online.
2) The bill is sent in PDF through Digiteal, via PEPPOL or via email to the customer. If it was sent via email, a button to pay the bill with Digiteal is added to the email.
3) The bill is stored in PDF in your Google Drive™.

New in version 36: You can enable the bill to be sent through PEPPOL if you customer is able to receive PEPPOL bills.
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Dadurch erhält Digiteal die folgenden Berechtigungen:
Google Drive-Dateien aufrufen, bearbeiten, erstellen und löschen
Alle Ihre Google-Tabellen aufrufen, bearbeiten, erstellen oder löschen
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