A User of Direct Link Creator for Drive
The UI needs some work... Not in the sense that it is unusable by any means it just comes over as dry and basic. Aside from that, this app's simplicity is where it shines - it has one task and it manages to do it well.
I've always loved Google Drive's simplicity, ease of use, and their awesome prices (free or close to it). They used to have the "option" of direct/hot linking to files. If memory serves, this was before Google Drive was even a product. Before Google Pages became this business G+ package, Pages indirectly provided the ability to upload any file type then hot link directly to it - of course with the power of Google's network behind it. Unfortunately though, it didn't take long before different products were merged, Pages was no longer Pages, and this awesome little gem disappeared.
Suffice to say, my general point is that I've missed this simple yet awesome ability and its great to have a similar solution in the form of this app.
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