Discovery Education Experience is the PK-12 Classroom Companion for every teacher and every student.
정보 업데이트:2025년 2월 20일
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Ignite curiosity and invite exploration to build knowledge, skills, develop empathy, and critical thinking in multiple modalities with scaffolded supports that connect to the real world. With easy-to-use, grab-and-go, instructional resources and tools, teachers are confident in the delivery of impactful digital learning experiences, with embedded planning guides and strategies that enhance instruction, and save teacher time. Experience's rich catalog of award-winning, standards-aligned, research-backed content is intentionally designed and curated to work alongside the curriculum to enhance instruction and elevate achievement.

Use of this add-on requires an active Discovery Education license.  Reach out to your Discovery Education account specialist for instructional materials related to this add-on.  Visit to learn more about Discovery Education's offerings.
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