Dispatch Handler™ trademark of Freight Guider LLC, designed for Freight Dispatchers that works with USA Interstate Trucking companies
Eintrag aktualisiert:3. Dezember 2024
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Dispatch Handler™ trademark of Freight Guider LLC,. 
Dispatch Handler is an addon which works only with  associated special designed Google Sheets™ which you must download from freightguider.com  in order to use addon
There is a section on the card: 
1)	Get mileage of DH & Origin Destination
This section has a button “Get All Distance” you should be in a page ‘Loads’ when you press the button distance between origin and Destination also dead head mileage will be calculated
2)	Create Invoice for Broker
This section is to create an invoice(for Load Broker), invoice is created automatically in a sheet itself when you choose the ID number from Loads page and enter into special place in ‘Invoicing’ sheet invoice will be generated automatically and the work for Dispatch Handler is to keep record in a sheet name ‘Broker Invoice’ by button ‘Keep Record’ .
Also after keeping record you will have a button ‘Download PDF’ where you will download invoice as pdf.
3)	Create Dispatch Service Invoice
This section is to create an invoice For Trucking company (for your client), invoice is created automatically in a sheet itself when you choose the company name and date from you done work to completed date, invoice will be generated automatically and the work for Dispatch Handler is to keep record in a sheet name ‘Dsp_Inv_rec” by button ‘Keep Record’ .
Also after keeping record you will have a button ‘Download PDF’ where you will download invoice as pdf.
This section for sheet name ‘mileageCalc’ to calculate mileages  for IFTA tax calculation.
-	From ‘Column Ranges’ you have to chose with order from Range 1 until Range  10 to get the location names  for origin and destinations you can’t get all destination at once because the API service does not allow more than 40 destination per request
-	When you chose the range you have to press ‘Calculate Mileage’ button to get sum of the driven mileages for each state that you have passed through.
-	Than you have to clear out all information from previous range  by clicking button ‘Clear Ranges’ to get new range
-	Use this button after each calculation process to save into sheet TotInfo  by pressing ‘TotInfo (sheet) button saves’ button, it saves data into other sheet so it will be easy to summaries total distances.
5)	Fleet Maintenance
-	‘Open Fleet Form’  button allows to enter data’s into sheet from Dispatch Handler card it allows you enter such information to get Fleet Maintenance Form :
VIN Number
Maintenance Type
Maintenance Reason
Expense Type
Date of Issue 
State of Issue
Date of Resolvence
Service Providers Company 
Truck Type
Check Odometer 
Driven Mileage
-	‘Check maintenance’ button checks how many different color has each company in sheet name Fleet by the colors summarized by each company is at the end of the sheet. By this you will use Dispatch Handler to get colored cells sum to make pre trip maintenance on time 
Weitere Informationen
Die App Dispatch Handler™ fragt nach den unten angegebenen Berechtigungen. Weitere Informationen
Die App „Dispatch Handler™“ benötigt Zugriff auf Ihr Google-Konto
Dadurch erhält Dispatch Handler™ die folgenden Berechtigungen:
Alle Ihre Google-Tabellen aufrufen, bearbeiten, erstellen oder löschen
Tabellen abrufen und verwalten, in denen diese Anwendung installiert wurde
Externe Webinhalte in Aufforderungen und Seitenleisten in Google-Anwendungen anzeigen und ausführen
Verbindung mit externem Dienst herstellen
Ausführung dieser App während Ihrer Abwesenheit zulassen
Land, Sprache und Zeitzone abrufen
Primäre E-Mail-Adresse Ihres Google-Kontos abrufen
Personenbezogene Daten aufrufen, einschließlich aller Daten, die Sie öffentlich zugänglich gemacht haben
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