The Dividend Data Add-on provides extensive Data about historical and future dividend events.
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The Dividend Data Add-on provides extensive Data about historical and future dividend events for a selected stock traded on Nasdaq.

Any stock traded on Nasdaq can be selected. The user can select the period and the type of dividend Data to retrieve. The Add-on provides cash amount per stock unit, declaration date, ex-dividend date, record date and pay date for up to five years backwards. For older dividend events, up to 25 years backwards, the Add-on provides cash amount per share and ex-dividend date. The user can select which of this Data to display. The Add-on can display dividend event list in rows or columns. The user can select if to insert a header to the event list. The user can insert a graph of the generated table.

All features of the Add-on are available for free, immediately after installation. The Add-on can be called 50 times for free. Additional Calls can be purchased on line directly from the Add-on side bar. The Add-on informs the user about the remaining number of Calls.

In case the user calls the Add-on but an error occurs, the Call will not be accounted and the remaining number of Calls will not be modified.

'Dividend Data' Menu
The 'Dividend Data' Menu can be found in Google Spreadsheet Menu under 'Add-ons'. It consists of four elements:

'Dividend Data' opens a side bar where the user can select which dividend Data to retrieve and how to display it.
'Purchase Calls' opens a side bar where the user can check how many Calls are available and select how many Calls to purchase.
'Help' opens this front window.
'About' opens a front window with details about the Add-on version and the author.
'Dividend Data' side bar
This sidebar is the main interface of the Add-on. Here the user can select which dividend Data to retrieve and how to display it. The elements of this side bar are:

'Symbol' to be filled with a ticker of a security traded on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.
'Date Range' with 'Start' and 'End' dates to capture the event. A dividend event is captured if the ex-dividend date is within the specified start and end dates.
'Data to Fetch' where the user specifies which dividend Data to fetch from the databases. If only the 'Cash Amount' and 'Ex Date' are requested, dividend events of up to 25 years can be retrieved. If any other dividend Data is requested, dividend events of up to five years can be retrieved.
'Put Data per event in a' 'Row' or 'Column'. Dividend Data of one captured dividend event are put in one row, if 'Row' is selected, or are put in one column, if 'Column' is selected.
If 'Insert Header' is requested, the Add-on will add an additional row (if 'Row' is seleted) or column (if 'Column' is selected) with the name of the dividend Data. The order of dividend Data displayed per event is fixed and described in the next section.
If 'Insert Chart' is requested, and the 'Data to Fetch' 'Cash Amount' is checked and at least one more 'Data to Fetch' is fetched, and 'Put Data per event in a Row' is selected, then a chart will be inserted below the generated table. The chart horizontal axis will be 'Declaration Date' if checked, otherwise, 'Ex Date' if checked, otherwise 'Record Date' if checked, otherwise 'Pay Date'. The chart vertical axis will be the Cash Amount.
Press the 'Submit' button to call the Add-on, retrieve the dividend Data and display it starting from the current active cell in the current sheet. The 'Reset' button deletes the content of the side bar. The 'Cancel' button closes the side bar without executing the Add-on.

Dividend Data Order
Only the dividend Data requested in 'Data to Fetch' is displayed. The order of dividend Data displayed per event is fixed and is as follow:

Cash Amount, if requested.
Declaration Date, if requested.
Ex dividend Date, if requested.
Record Date, if requested.
Pay Date, if requested.
'Purchase Calls' side bar
This sidebar has two purposes: report the number of Calls available and purchase additional Add-on Calls. In order to purchase additional Calls, select how many Calls to purchase. Note the price discount increases with the bigger purchase. Press the 'Proceed' button that opens a new sidebar to select the method of payment. After selecting the method of Payment, a new PayPal front window will open to perform the payment. After a successful transaction, a pop up window will inform about the number of Calls available. The 'Dividend Data' side bar will be visible where the user can immediately retrieve new dividend Data using the newly purchased Calls.

Error Messages
Error messages are pop up windows that appear when no dividend Data was retrieved after pressing the 'Submit' button in the 'Dividend Data' side bar. The captured types of errors are:

Unrecognized symbol. The entered symbol is not trading on the Nasdaq Stock Exchange.
Invalid date range. The End Date is earlier than the Start Date
No dividend event. There was no dividend event between the Start Date and the End Date, or the date range is pointing to dates older than available in the database. Try widening your date range, provide more recent dates, or, request to retrieve only the Cash Amount and/or Ex dividend Date.
No more function Calls. Please purchase additional calls directly in Google Spreadsheet Menu, Add-on>Dividend Data>Purchase Calls.
معلومات إضافية
الأسعارغير متوفر
مطوّر برامج
حالة التاجر غير مُحدَّدة
الدعمغير متوفر
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