Browse and insert reusable text snippets right from the sidebar. Format your snippets based on themes managed in a Google Sheet.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:15 maja 2023
Współpracuje z:
1 mln+
Doc Builder can save hours of typing in financial reports, technical support, customer care, legal documents and more.
You can also add snippets that contain special merge tags to fill your documents with real data from various data sources using Ultradox.
Doc Builder stores snippets with native Google Docs formatting and can optionally auto-format your snippets based on themes defined in a Google Sheet.
Organize your frequently used text snippets in folders on Google Drive for instant access.

Development: Mael Caldas, Daniel Florey
UI Design: Esther Cornils
Big thanks to The Paraplanners for funding the development of this add-on!
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