19 tools to format & navigate docs, create professional styles, and mail merge from docs easy.
Listelemenin güncellendiği tarih:2 Kasım 2024
Şununla çalışır:
5 Mn+
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19 tools to format & navigate docs, create professional styles, and mail merge from docs easy.



11 single-click tools to make your text look the way you need.
  - Change case: Sentence case., tOGGLE, UPPER, lower, Capitalize Text
  - Highlight important information
  - Remove all or certain colors
  - Sort your tables, list items, & even headings
  - Convert the selected words to digits
  - Spell numbers


Create & apply professional designs to your documents:
  - Use 20 built-in style sets
  - Style paragraphs or entire documents
  - See a full-size preview
  - Add your own styles (paid feature, 60-day trial available)
  - Edit style elements (paid feature, 60-day trial available)


Personalize and send bulk emails right from Google Docs™:
  - Craft email templates in Google Docs™
  - Connect with a mailing list from Google Sheets™
  - Customize emails with attachments and/or direct file sharing
  - Track delivery status for each recipient
  - Easily exclude specific contacts from campaigns


Jump between & manage different types of data:
  - Headings
  - Bookmarks (add, rename, get link, delete) 
  - Links (paid feature, 60-day trial available)
  - Images
  - Tables
  - Search a word or phrase
  - Search results in context & in every type of data

All payments are secure and include an unconditional 30-day money-back guarantee.
If you have any questions about the add-on, please post them here:
We'll be happy to assist!
Doc Tools is a proud member of the Ablebits product family. We build add-ons that help you make the most of Google Workspace™. Visit our official website to learn more:
***** V2.1 (25 Apr 2024) *****
⭐ New features ⭐
- Easy Mail Merge. Create personalized email campaigns directly from your Google Docs™. Craft your email templates & send them to your mailing list from a selected Google™ table. Each recipient receives a tailored email, making your outreach more effective and efficient.

- Styles:
  1. Set up your titles, headings & subtitles in upper case with the corresponding option in the Edit window.
  2. Quickly locate files with styles in Drive™ by their name using the 'Search' field during the import.

- Styles:
  1. Names of style elements disappeared outside the window if a large number was set as an indent.
  2. A blank style could appear, impossible to edit or remove.
- Minor UX and UI fixes.

***** V2.0 (16 Nov 2023) *****
⭐ New features ⭐
- Search & Navigate. Get the lists of all the headings, bookmarks, links, images & tables from your document. Search for specific text and see its every occurrence through the doc. 
- Styles. Apply professional-looking styles to your documents. Create your custom styles or use 20+ pre-supplied sets.

- Enjoy the new design :)
- Eraser: a single click on the tool icon now removes the color featured on the icon (the one you select in its drop-down).

- Change case: sometimes changed the font size to 11.
- Sentence case: 
  1. Duplicated parts of the selected text.
  2. Capitalized the 2nd word if there was a leading space before the capital letter in the first sentence of the paragraph.
- Highlight text: errored if a few non-printing characters at the end of the paragraph were selected along with the text.
- Sorting: sorted multilevel lists with images incorrectly.
- Some tools formatted the first word in a paragraph when the cursor was placed at the end of that paragraph. 
- Used to remove images, formulas and bookmarks (if any) keeping only the changed text. Also, reset the superscript and subscript text to normal.
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