DocDroid shares your PDFs and other documents. Get your documents distributed fast, securely and optimized for mobile devices.
2 тис.+
Share your documents as PDF! DocDroid converts your Google Docs and creates a short link for sharing.

Why DocDroid?
- DocDroid provides a fast and convenient preview for your readers.
- Our document viewer is optimized for mobile devices!
- Your readers can easily download the PDF.
- You retain complete control over your uploaded documents. You can modify, replace and delete your PDFs later. Documents are automatically deleted after 60 days without view.
- Privacy is important to us! Uploaded documents are not publicly listed. If you want to, you can set up password protection or set your document to private at anytime.
- Embed your uploaded PDFs in other websites. 

In addition, our Pro accounts offer:
- White Label: Display your custom logo and change the color theme. 
- Analytics: Analyze the number of unique views and downloads of your documents. Analyze the origin and location of your users. Analyize how much time they spent on which page of your documents. Analyze the number of clicks on outbound links.
- Advanced settings: Disable the downloading of documents. Chose which sites are allowed to embed your documents. Control if search engines are allowed to index your documents. 
- And more!
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