Convert PDFs, Sheets™, Docs™, Slides™, etc. in Drive ™ to Markdown format with one click. Supports a wide range of documents (optimized for books and scientific papers) Supports all languages Removes headers/footers/other artifacts Formats tables and code blocks Extracts and saves images along with the markdown Converts most equations to latex Works on GPU, CPU, or MPS How it works Extract text, OCR if necessary Detect page layout and find reading order Clean and format each block Combine blocks and postprocess complete text It only uses models where necessary, which improves speed and accuracy. Limitations Marker will not convert 100% of equations to LaTeX. This is because it has to detect then convert. Tables are not always formatted 100% correctly - text can be in the wrong column. Whitespace and indentations are not always respected. Not all lines/spans will be joined properly. This works best on digital PDFs that won't require a lot of OCR. It's optimized for speed, and limited OCR is used to fix errors.