Create and edit content inside Google Docs™ using AI. Write better, effortlessly.
Дата оновлення:16 березня 2023 р.
12 тис.+
Introducing DocsGPT, the revolutionary AI tool that helps you create and edit content inside Google Docs. Start creating content from scratch or modify your existing text using GPT technology — all with the click of one button.

DocsGPT works in all languages.

- Generate new content from blank → "Write a blog post on AI use-cases in schools"
- Generate text based on selected text in document → "Make a heading for this"
- Change the tone of the selected text in the document →  "Funnier"
- Modify the selected text in the document → "Change to a bullet list"
- Translate to → "English"
- Proofread the selected text, including misspellings, grammar, and punctuation
…And much more!

Get started now! Install and try it for free.
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