Create documents in PDF, Google Docs and Microsoft Word Formats from Google Sheet. Document Merge solution that uses templates to generate documents in Bulk by Merging Google Sheet and Document.
Fortegnelse opdateret:1. januar 2025
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Welcome to Docu Merge, your ultimate tool for streamlining document generation in Google Workspace™ using Document Merge. Whether you're creating contracts, invoices, reports, or personalized letters, Docu Merge allows you to mass-produce customized documents with just a few clicks.

With Docu Merge (A Document Merge Solution), you can effortlessly merge rows from Google Sheets™ into tailored templates designed in Google Docs™. Generate documents in multiple formats such as PDF, Google Docs™, and Microsoft Word, all while maintaining a seamless workflow. Choose where your documents are stored in Google Drive™ and set up a naming convention for automated, organized file management.

Save time, reduce errors, and increase productivity with Docu Merge—your go-to Document Merge solution for efficient, personalized document generation.

Get Started by Generating your first Document

Personalize Document Merge ,replace expressions with actual Data from Google Sheet

Embed Image from different Sources on the generated Document

Advanced use case to use Code to Personalize further

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Key Features
Mass generates personalized documents in bulk.
Merge documents into many file formats such as PDF, Google Docs™, and Microsoft Word
Create personalized templates with Google Docs™.
Store files in Google Drive™: choose a folder where your generated documents will be stored.
Define a file naming convention for generated files
Generate pixel-perfect PDFs, including invoices, newsletters, certificates, and business letters.
Track generated documents within the Google sheet.
Configure multiple workflows for generating different documents.
Share documents dynamically with customers, controlling various sharing options.
Send personalized emails when sharing files.
Use expressions to customize values based on Sheet Cell Values.
Import and export workflows across Sheets.
Generate appreciation or participation certificates.
Embed any public image.
Embed images uploaded by form respondents, useful for generating documents with respondent acceptance signatures.
Get started today and elevate your Google Sheets experience!

Use Cases For Docu Merge (A Document Merge Solution)

    -  Purchase or Quote requests: Automatically generate documents such as purchase requests or quotes based on information provided by your customers in google form.
    -  Events: You can Generate Thank you Letters, Create Event Tickets with QR Codes and/or  Google Maps, send Event Invites.
    -  Record Leave or Time-off requests: Employees can fill out the Leave or  Time-off request in a Google Form and you can store generated document in a google drive.
    -  Accept Service or Maintenance requests: You can digitize the service maintenance request process through a google form . 
    -  Incident report : You can digitize the incident reporting process by asking your team members to fill in incident reports via a Google Form and have it documented.
    -  Create Agreements : You can create agreements that can be sent out automatically and retrieved later.
    -  Audit or Evaluation forms: You can store feedback information into documents that can be easily retrieved and reviewed later.
    -  Invitation or Registration forms: You can turn registration information into proper documents for your records.
    -  Generate Attendance or Enrollment certificates: You can create certificates for your students, running events, bootcamp and have them be automatically sent to the attendees. 
    -  Education: You can create School Certificates, Student Badges.
    -  Business: You can generate Sales Quotes, Purchase Orders with Google Forms, Project Proposals in Google Docs, Vendor Contracts, Client Invoices, Lease Agreement PDFs, Custom Letters.
    -  HR Departments: You can generate Employee Appraisals, Employee Requests, Presentation Copies, Policy Documents.

This add-on can replace other highly priced add-ons such as Document Studio , Form Publisher , Publigo. It provides exactly the same functionality as the above add-ons.
It is a fantastic alternative to Autocrat.The add-on does not store data outside your google drive. All your data and metadata is stored inside your Google Drive.
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