Generate documents from Google Docs™ templates using an interactive panel to fill in placeholder text, insert selected content, and build tables from models.
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Generate a document from a template using an interactive panel that opens to the side of your Google Doc™. Documatic streamlines repeated document generation with three mechanisms: fillable text placeholders, insertable content, and model tables.

(1) Fillable text placeholders: Documatic provides fillable form fields corresponding to text placeholders you define in your template. For each field, you can choose between entering replacement text, leaving the placeholder in the document for future editing, or deleting the placeholder from the document.

(2) Insertable content: Documatic constructs menus from your template's stored content — such as text, tables, images, or other insertable Google Docs™ content — from which you can select one or more options to insert in place of content placeholders.

(3) Model tables: Documatic enables building tables — such as itemized charges or payment schedules — by letting you select from optional, reusable row layouts modeled in your template. Each row layout you define can include its own text placeholders.

The first 100 uses are free, and can be done over any length of time. Then subscribe for $1 per month to access unlimited document generation.

Choose from one of the provided sample templates at to get started right away, or design your own template from scratch. Additionally, here are ways to learn more:

* Watch the demo video above, and turn on subtitles to see narration

* Head to for FAQ, as well as a comprehensive user guide containing a detailed walkthrough and mini tutorials


Google Docs™ is a trademark of Google LLC
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