A tool for quickly and easily managing peer evaluations. Improves student performance and saves teachers time.
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This plugin allows teachers to define a set of requirements for an assignment that students can easily access and check off. It also tracks peer evaluations. Prior to grading an assignment, teachers can see how many student/peer evaluations are complete, and who completed them. This allows teachers to require students to receive peer evaluations from anyone or from specific students before taking the time to grade an assignment.

When a teacher grades the assignment, the evaluation is copied over to each student/peer evaluation so that everybody knows what items need to be revisited.

Teachers must create a spreadsheet that lists requirements for each assignment and request to have it added to the directory. Requests should be sent to mbbackus@gmail.com
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Händlerstatus nicht angegeben
SupportNicht verfügbar
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Primäre E-Mail-Adresse Ihres Google-Kontos abrufen
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