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Allows users to Merge up to 100 documents stored on Google Drive™ into one document including Google Docs™, Microsoft Word Docx, RTF, HTML and TXT files.
Ficha actualizada:8 de agosto de 2024
Compatible con:
41 mil+
Información general
Looking to save time and streamline your Google Docs™ workflow? Look no further than Merge Google Docs™! Our simple and powerful tool allows you to merge multiple documents into one file.

With our free version, you can merge up to five documents each time you run a merge. And if you need even more merging power, our Pro version allows you to merge up to 200 documents at once.

But the benefits of the Pro version don’t stop there. Our Pro tool will go through folders recursively to merge all of your documents in one easy step. And to ensure the merged document is clean and easy to read. Each document will start on a new page for easy reference, and all merged files will be subject to Google’s quota limits.

With Document Merge for Google Docs™, you’ll be able to consolidate all of your documents into one, saving you time and hassle. Try our free version today, or upgrade to Pro for even more merging power. Start simplifying your Google Docs™ workflow with  Document Merge for Google Docs™!

* Microsoft Word Docs/Docx
* Google Docs™
* HTML File
* TXT File
* Recursively go through Drive™ Folders

* Inline drawings are not copied over. Currently not supported by Google Docs™. Inline images are copied over, sometimes it fails, you just need to rerun the merge.
* Table of contents are not copied over. Currently not supported by Google Docs™.  Alternatively, you can create a Google Doc that has a table of contents and use that as a template.

Applications or Use cases.
* Amazon KDP book publishers can use this Addon to build their books.
* Technical Writers can use this Addon to build their manuals. They can define directories for each chapter and remove the old files and move in the new files and rerun the merge.
* Educators/teachers/trainer/coach can import their students documents into one document for review.

* Productivity Tool for Google Docs™

Update May 24, 2023
* Bug fix for deep copy, attributes (font, italics, etc) are not retained in the merge/output document.

Update June 7, 2023
* Bug Fix - issue with Google Workspace Shared Drive
* Meta Attributes Enhancement - Allows users to add Meta Attributes/fields to be used to replace tags/tokens within output document. Support both text and images. Meta Attributes sheet will contain Meta Key, Meta Text Value and Meta Image URL Value and will be merged in the output file. Meta Attributes can be in the Google Doc header, footer or body.
* Added better error handling to help with user and developer support.

Update June 21, 2023
* fix list item not copying glyph over to the new merged/combined document.

Update August 18, 2023
* You can request free trial of 15 days but this is currently requested via support google form. click the support link below to request 15 day free trial, please include the google apps email you'll be using to try out this addon.

Update August 31, 2023
* Added Drive Link Helper, this will allow you to get multiple document links from Google Drive, then reformat the entire batch in seconds and paste it in the spreadsheet.

Update January 25, 2024
* Added a patch to handle certain inline images inaccessible to the script causing the process to fail when the system is trying to save the new Google document. Please reload the spreadsheet whenever there's a new patch. Thank you!

Update April 3, 2024
* Integrated Google Picker to allow users to pick and add multiple files from their Google Drive. Also, started using Google picker for the output settings. Users can no longer add output file or folder as text, you need use Google Picker because internally it has to be added as a project file for assets to work with this Addon.

Update April 26, 2024
* Merge Google Docs will now combine more documents. Each document is now given 6 minutes Google Script runtime. This will allow more documents to be merged. The limitation will be the 1.02 million characters a Google Doc can have.
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Términos del Servicio
Document Merge for Google Docs™ solicitará los permisos que se indican abajo. Más información
Document Merge for Google Docs™ necesitará acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Document Merge for Google Docs™ podrá:
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar todos tus documentos de Documentos de Google
Ver, editar, crear y eliminar solo los archivos de Google Drive que utilices en esta aplicación
Ver y administrar hojas de cálculo en las que se ha instalado esta aplicación.
Mostrar y publicar contenido web externo en las solicitudes y barras laterales de las aplicaciones de Google
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Ver la dirección de correo electrónico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
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