Research writing for Google Docs. Export to 100% journal compliant LaTeX code. Add cross-references, citations, and math equations.
Ficha actualizada:10 de enero de 2022
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230 mil+
Información general
Docx2LaTeX add-on helps you write your research paper or thesis without leaving Google Docs.
Feel the power of LaTeX and the ease of Google Docs at the same time. 


• Write with the ease of Google Docs and export to 100% journal compliant LaTeX code using journal's official LaTeX templates.
• Add authors, keywords, and cover details right within Google Docs enabling you to write a complete manuscript without having to leave Google Docs.

• Add captions to figures, equations, or tables and cross-refer them within the doc.
• Auto-update captions and cross-references, when a new figure, table, or equation is inserted.

• Write Display style and Inline math equations using LaTeX syntax.
• Render and De-render inline equations with a single click.

• Search the web for an article using the title, DOI, arXiv ID, etc., and insert in the doc with a single click.
• Automatic bibliography generation using BibTeX syntax when exported to LaTeX

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