A security checklist for Super Admins with links to supporting documentation, Admin Console shortcuts, and read-only API reporting in Google Sheets™.
정보 업데이트:2024년 11월 27일
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Introducing the DoiT AdminPulse for Workspace, your essential companion for fortifying and managing your Google Workspace™ environment with precision. Seamlessly navigate through essential security settings tailored for Workspace Admins, with direct links to Google Admin Console settings for quick adjustments and adherence to best practices.

Stay on top of user activity effortlessly, from last sign-in dates to admin statuses and 2SV enrollment, ensuring your user base is always securely managed. Ensure your domain's integrity with real-time MX, SPF, DKIM, and DMARC records queries and highlight where all best practices are followed and where issues may exist.

Review Google Group™ settings easily to maintain efficient communication channels within your organization. Quickly locate misconfigured groups allowing anyone online to email the group, or groups not configured with moderation.

Monitor mobile device usage, optimize license allocation, and keep track of shared drive settings effortlessly to maintain security and streamline collaboration. 

Generate detailed reports on OAuth token usage and Connected Applications including each user, all connected services, and the scopes of the services. Inventory user-generated app passwords that enable the use of applications without modern authentication. 

Streamline management across organizational units and delegate responsibilities effectively to uphold security standards throughout your workspace. 

Need assistance? Use the Get Support option from the extensions menu to connect with a subject-matter expert for support with any aspect of the DoiT AdminPulse for Workspace.

Take charge of your Workspace security like a pro. Install the DoiT AdminPulse for Workspace Google Sheets™ editor add-on now and ensure your environment remains secure, compliant, and efficient.
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