Allows Google Slides™ User To Download Multiple Presentation in High Resolution PNG or JPG packed in a zip file.
Pozycja zaktualizowana:8 maja 2024
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Download Slides As Zip / Images / Png / JPEG / Jpg

Select Multiple Slides from Multiple Google Presentation then download them as Images in One Zip File.

Introducing our newest Google Editor Slides™ Addon: the ultimate solution for your slide export needs!

With our addon, you can now download your slides as either JPG or PNG files in a ZIP, conveniently and quickly. Say goodbye to the hassle of manually downloading and converting each slide one-by-one. Our addon lets you do it all in just a few clicks.

But that's not all! You can also select specific pages or range of pages to download. Need only the first three slides? No problem. Want to download only pages 5 to 10? Easy peasy. Our addon gives you the flexibility to choose exactly what you need.

Plus, we've made it available for both free and pro accounts. Free accounts can download the first 8 slides, while pro accounts can download specific pages or page ranges. And with the ability to choose between JPG or PNG files, you have complete control over the quality and file size of your exported slides.

Save time and streamline your workflow with our Google Editor Slide Addon. Try it out today and see the difference it makes!

Some use cases:
- Teacher export Google Slides™ as images.
- Teacher protect slides from modifications.
- Pinterest managers convert Google Slides™ to jpg/png image in bulk
- Facebook marketing adding text to Google Slides and download as jpeg files
- Business owners, export Slides as jpeg/png for high resolution printing or marketing.
- Use this addon as a google slides to jpg converter or google slides to png converter
- Use this addon to download all googles slides as jpeg or png at once.

Update August 31,2023: Fix minor bugs in the pagelist checker. Added resize to slide dimension function, this uses a 3rd party package, and is available to pro accounts only.

Update Dec 7, 2023
fix naming of the slides to the slide number instead of default no number for the first slide

Update March 29, 2024
Major update, you can now Download Slides as Images (Png/Jpg) from multiple files and download them in one zip file. You can select specific slides from different presentations, pick and choose which slide you would like to download.
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