Upload an image, Dream Style Lite™ addon will transform the image into different styles. Powered by the custom image style AI, Stable Diffusion AI. Endless styles can be generated.
Дата оновлення:27 лютого 2023 р.
Dream Style Lite™ add-on is a creative tool, powered by the most advanced AI, including custom image style AI, Stable Diffusion AI. In Google docs™, if you want to upload a picture with a unique style temporarily, you only need to enter a simple prompt, and it can be generated immediately. Moreover, if you have a ready-made picture and you want to make your uploaded picture have a unique style, then this addon is a good choice. Dream Style Lite™ addon will transform the image into different styles. Endless styles can be generated.

Use Guide:
Direct use, For more help, please click the ? icon.
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