List your Dropbox file details like path, size, created time & link on Google Sheets™.
تم تحديث البيانات في:1 يوليو 2024
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Over time, we store many files on Dropbox and it becomes difficult to organize them. Drive Explorer for Dropbox can help with the problem.

Drive Explorer for Dropbox is a Google Sheets™ add-on that lets you choose multiple folders from your Dropbox and recursively picks all the file details within the selected folders. Then, it lists the data on a Google Sheet™ in an easy-to-visualize format.

Drive Explorer for Dropbox can export path, size, created time & link of the files.

You can add, or remove folders on an easy-to-use interface as needed before listing the files inside those folders.

Drive Explorer for Dropbox is from the developer of the popular Google Workspace™ add-ons Drive Explorer & YT Tracker. 

Google Sheets™ & Google Workspace™ are the trademarks of Google LLC.
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