List your Dropbox file details like path, size, created time & link on Google Sheets™.
Дата оновлення:1 липня 2024 р.
Over time, we store many files on Dropbox and it becomes difficult to organize them. Drive Explorer for Dropbox can help with the problem.

Drive Explorer for Dropbox is a Google Sheets™ add-on that lets you choose multiple folders from your Dropbox and recursively picks all the file details within the selected folders. Then, it lists the data on a Google Sheet™ in an easy-to-visualize format.

Drive Explorer for Dropbox can export path, size, created time & link of the files.

You can add, or remove folders on an easy-to-use interface as needed before listing the files inside those folders.

Drive Explorer for Dropbox is from the developer of the popular Google Workspace™ add-ons Drive Explorer & YT Tracker. 

Google Sheets™ & Google Workspace™ are the trademarks of Google LLC.
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