DriveWatcher is the solution to get notifications about changes in Google Drive.
Vermelding geüpdatet:15 november 2021
Werkt met:
Drive Watcher is the solution to get notifications about important changes in your Google Drive Documents, Google Drive Folders, Team Drives or Google Forms.

You can subscribe to different resources from your Google Drive and receive hourly, daily or weekly notifications from changes on these resources. You can also select which events you would like to watch and even apply some filters to get notifications just from specific files.

Main Features:

- Google Drive Notifications
 - File notifications (changes on the document)
 - Folder notifications (changes on all the documents inside the folder, subfolders not included)
- Google Team Drive Notifications (changes in the complete Team Drive, complete folder structure)
- Google Form Notifications (create rules to notify different users depending on specific fields from a Google Form response. No need to install an Add On)
- Possibility to get notifications by mail and by Google Hangouts Chat
- See all the activity from your subscriptions

Use Cases:

- Get and send notifications from Google Drive when:
 - Users upload or delete files in a Google Drive Folder or Team Drive
 - Your files edited
 - Documents are shared with other users or moved from a Google Drive folder or Team Drive

- Get and send notifications in Google Forms when users fill in an specific field with an specific answer
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KostenNiet beschikbaar
Handelaarsstatus niet opgegeven
Drive Watcher vraagt u om de onderstaande rechten. Meer informatie
Drive Watcher heeft toegang nodig tot uw Google-account
Hiermee kan Drive Watcher het volgende doen:
De activiteitsrecord van bestanden in je Google Drive bekijken
Koppelen aan je Google Drive
Al je Google Drive-bestanden weergeven en downloaden
Je formulieren in Google Drive bekijken en beheren
E-mail namens jou verzenden
Je contacten weergeven, bewerken, downloaden en definitief verwijderen
Contactgegevens bekijken en downloaden die automatisch zijn opgeslagen in je 'Andere contacten'
Je contacten weergeven en downloaden
De G Suite-telefoongids van je organisatie bekijken en downloaden
Het primaire e-mailadres van je Google-account bekijken
Uw persoonlijke info bekijken, met inbegrip van persoonlijke info die u openbaar heeft gemaakt
De activiteitsgeschiedenis van je Google-apps bekijken
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