Schedule remote pair programming and team collaboration sessions with Drovio for Google Calendar
Ficha actualizada:29 de noviembre de 2022
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Informaci贸n general
Drovio is a collaborative screen sharing tool designed for remote and distributed teams. When you share your screen with Drovio, all the participants get a mouse cursor and can interact with your applications. Don't worry, you can take back the control at anytime. Drovio is perfectly suited to pair programming, onboarding new team members, evaluate candidate skills when hiring or do customer support. You feel like you are working at the same desk.

After adding the Drovio for Google Calendar add-on, you'll be able to:
- Schedule meetings with your pair or mob partners, a new team member, a candidate you're evaluating or even a customer by selecting Drovio as your video conferencing tool when creating a calendar event.
- Join Drovio meetings via the event's link and using the Drovio application or through a simple web browser such as Google Chrome without having to download any extra plugin.

Note: the Drovio application must be installed on your computer (available for Windows, macOS and Linux) and you must have an active Drovio account (either free or paid) before you can schedule and organize meetings with Drovio.
Informaci贸n adicional
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T茅rminos del Servicio
Drovio solicitar谩 los permisos que se indican abajo. M谩s informaci贸n
Drovio necesitar谩 acceder a tu cuenta de Google
Con este permiso, Drovio podr谩:
Ver los eventos que creas en Google Calendar
Editar los eventos que creas en Google Calendar
Ejecutar como complemento de Calendar
Ver y editar eventos de todos tus calendarios
Conectarse a un servicio externo.
Permitir que esta aplicaci贸n se ejecute cuando no est谩s presente.
Ver tu pa铆s, tu idioma y tu zona horaria
Ver la direcci贸n de correo electr贸nico principal de tu cuenta de Google.
Consultar tu informaci贸n personal, incluida la que has compartido p煤blicamente
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Google no verifica las rese帽as ni las valoraciones. M谩s informaci贸n sobre las rese帽as
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