This is a handy tool that scans selected directories and finds, clears any duplicate files inside Google Drive.
Ändrades senast:14 mars 2022
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364 tn+
You probably have a few dozen duplicate files, chiefly MP3 and photos in the Google Drive.
This is a handy tool that scans selected directories and finds any duplicate files inside them. The app works with all sorts of files and can also be configured to scan sub-folders within a given directory. You can make judgement yourself if you want to trash by selecting them.

It also provides Shared File (owned by me) Finder, Orphaned File Finder (Not have a parent folder).

Supports IE, Chrome, Firefox... Provides connect with Google Drive. You can directly scan duplicate files with your drive.
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Visa, redigera, skapa och radera alla dina filer på Google Drive
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En Duplicate File Finder, Cleaner for Drive-användare
19 oktober 2016
Excellent! The only thing missing is the ability to clear away empty directories. Good work!:)
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