Dynamo add-on connects to Dynamo from within your Gmail mailbox. Add emails and attachments to Dynamo and relate them to other Dynamo items. Create new Dynamo contacts or view contact information.
Listingan diperbarui:4 November 2024
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Dynamo add-on connects to Dynamo from within your Gmail mailbox. Login into Dynamo with your Dynamo account. Quickly and efficiently:
 - Use Quick Add to add emails and attachments to Dynamo with one click 
 - Use Advanced Add to import emails and attachments into Dynamo and relate them to other Dynamo items
 - Add email senders as Dynamo contacts. Dynamo add-on email signature parser AI will auto-populate the Contact Info form with the relevant data points, such as Company name, Job title or Business Phone. If the contact sender already exists in Dynamo the form will feature all Dynamo data.
 - Edit an existing Dynamo contact via the Contact Info form and view recent contact's activities (emails) saved in Dynamo 
 - Navigate to open an existing email in Dynamo with the click of a button
Informasi tambahan
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Dynamo akan meminta agar izin ditampilkan di bawah ini. Pelajari lebih lanjut
Dynamo akan memerlukan akses ke Akun Google Anda
Hal ini akan mengizinkan Dynamo untuk:
Melihat pesan email Anda saat add-on dijalankan
Jalankan sebagai add-on Gmail
Menghubungkan ke layanan eksternal
Melihat negara, bahasa, dan zona waktu Anda
Melihat alamat email Akun Google primer Anda
Melihat info pribadi Anda, termasuk info pribadi Anda yang tersedia untuk publik
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Google tidak memverifikasi ulasan atau rating. Pelajari ulasan lebih lanjut
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